Ingredients (4 people)
- Aromatic herbs to taste
- Capers 50 gr
- Cooking cream 200 gr
- Eggs 2
- Flour 125 gr
- Lime 1
- Mussels 500 gr
- Octopus 500 gr
- Prawns 8
- Squids 4
Clean the seafood and cook each type separately to preserve the different flavors. Once cooked, put everything together adding extra-virgin olive oil, lime and pepper.
In a minipimer glass, pour 7 oz of Pomì L+ tomato sauce, 1 whole egg and 1 yolk, flour and cooking cream. Blend the mixture and pour it into a whipping siphon, inserting 2 cartridges.
Pour in plastic glasses and cook 30 seconds in a microwave. You will obtain delicious tomato “sponges”. Serve with a handful of fried capers and herbs.