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120 min
Reccomended Product
Strained Tomatoes
300 g
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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120 min
Ingredients (2 people)
  • Carrots 80 g
  • Celery 80 g
  • Clams 100 g
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Gurnard 250 g
  • Hake 250 g
  • Mantis prawn 100 g
  • Mussels 200 g
  • Octopus 200 g
  • Oil 20 g
  • Onion 80 g
  • Parsley to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Prawn 200 g
  • Red mullet 200 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Squids 100 g
  • Stale bread to taste
  1. Start by finely chopping carrot, celery and onion and browning them in a pan with oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
  2. In the meantime clean all the fishes and use all the vegetable and fish scraps to prepare a nice fish broth.
  3. This recipe is delicate because each fish requires different cooking times and they should be carefully added to the pan in the right order.
  4. Add the tomato to the finely chopped mixed vegetables in the pan and start by adding the raw octopus; 30 minutes later add the fish broth and fishes with bones; 15 minutes later add the squids and crustaceans, followed by the molluscs, 15 minutes later.
  5. Finish cooking once the shells have opened. Serve with crispy bruschetta.

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